Monday, March 30, 2020

Brain Space

One must understand, when someone is working from such a primitive brain space as Donald Trump and most Republicans the real communication occurs at the symbolic level. Thus, “border wall” must be construed more broadly as barriers-to-entry, a favored tactic of inept heirs and heiresses from time forever back. The idea is to end the game and/or change the rules and lock in an advantage while you have it.

Additionally, the laws of inversion often apply, that they reveal themselves inadvertently in the accusations they direct at others. Observation is the key to understanding. And Enron is a key example. The cartoonish corruption would be laughable if lives weren’t destroyed. George Bush had closer ties to Enron than any other business in the world. Enron was only a failure because they got caught. It’s a business model.

The Huns have come over the hill. Don’t look for them they are already here. They came at night and in secret and are already among us. The laws of our civilization are subverted. Constitutional protections are destroyed. The foxes have moved permanently into the henhouse and we prepare them meals. Don’t listen for sirens or scan the news for photos of invaders. The invasion has happened. Our world is upside-down.

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