Sunday, February 23, 2020

The Conservative Dilemma and the Wanker Dominion

The dilemma of American conservatives is that they live in a democracy. I’ve pinned down a couple of “libertarians” and they admitted that, if things were run properly, American citizens who didn’t have the money would be turned away from emergency rooms, to die on the side of the road and be picked up by sanitation workers if it came to that. They know the voting public doesn’t want this so they lie. And lie and lie and lie.

They lie and, meanwhile, they try to lock in minority rule so if the people they’ve duped into voting for them ever wake up it will be too late. We are probably there now, the defining moment. They have their authoritarian, lying king who is asserting that no “rule of law’ exists and Republicans are backing him on this right on up to their “think tanks” and supposedly respectable publications like the National Review.

Really they are shit-eaters. There’s a big Scots-Irish, deterministic, Calvinist cast to this. They are fatalists and schismatics to the point of nihilism and solipsism. Every person is their own church, in effect, reaching God in a kind of autistic union, breaking out of their isolation from “the spirit” by a buildup of tension culminating in a lightning bolt-like union with God after which they are turned into Tom DeLay or someone like him.

True exemplars of the Christian principles of humility, generosity, kindness and inclusion, notwithstanding they think you should die on the side of the road if you are poor because God willed it —  by definition or it wouldn’t have happened. The Scots-Irish love to laud themselves, mostly for their combativeness and violence, but they are a servile, bigoted race which made them, once, perfect henchmen in the slave economy.

Now they seek to recreate it, again through blind allegiance to the an authoritarian rule of hereditary wealth and privilege — the Wanker Dominion of Donald Trump for which they have degraded themselves and to which they are subservient. So much for human dignity:

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