Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Donald’s Special Day

No, it’s not his birthday.

Donald loves to hurt and belittle people and Americans, in their wisdom, made Donald Trump president so every day is his special day now. He gets to belittle people and, as for hurting, it goes on even on his many days off playing golf because of his enormous power and the opportunity to delegate the pleasure and privilege of hurting to his surrogates, enablers, underlings and enforcers.

There is, of course, a children’s book of this title and the first to be rated “R” which is a real breakthrough in despoiling and perversion. You might think it’s bad business to have a children’s book they can’t even buy but this is Donald’s genius and particular gift, to build failure into everything he touches. His failures continue creating chaos and doing damage even once he has moved on.

Failures are strewn about in his wake like carnage on a battlefield and people are corrupted and demeaned by Donald to such a degree they go right on demeaning like little Trump mini-trolls even when set free from the immediate influence and active oversight of their evil master. In business they refer to “multipliers” and Donald, as a businessman, prides himself on his power to multiply turmoil.

It is his special skill and gift to the world. He is so damaged and degraded his soul has ceased to exist. It only wants to share and promote this destruction. Donald’s only function is to annihilate other souls. He is the kind of demon or vampire you read about in novels, a black hole of despair, gluttony and greed. Donald’s is a need incapable of being filled so every day is his special day of doom.

Corruption is his compulsion or quest and Americans, desiring to die, made him their leader—a harbinger and agent of the end of the world. Jesus, they believe, will then swoop in and gather up his special, chosen souls and take them to heaven. And you thought the Taliban and ISIS were insane. They are amateurs and powerless little perverts, by comparison. America must always be the best.

Even, or especially, at this satanic, soul-sucking enterprise.

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