Sunday, July 28, 2019

Flies to Shit

We should have seen it coming but almost every previously seemingly dignified “conservative” has fled to the reeking shitpile of the Trump administration and is feasting on the festering dung. That made me wonder, realizing I didn’t know, what flies actually do with shit. Do they ingest it, only use it for purposes of reproduction, or is the relationship more complicated and “symbiotic”?

Shit symbiosis, seems to be the answer, though the laws of conservation suggest ingestion is the primary drive. Flies can’t masticate, it turns out, only kind of lick or slurp, which I have noted before is the main conservative mode of interaction with Trump’s ass, the licentious locus, and though I had thought this only obeisance and idolatry it appears to provide sustenance. Flies are all oral and anal.

I’m sorry this is so graphic but recall the vast amount of carrion created out of human lives by the last Republican administration. We must go there. Like Bush before him, Trump is a shitting machine. We ALL are, to an extent, truth be told, but this is why human societies have evolved conventions about sanitation—in the service of self-preservation. Vile entities like Trump and Bush never make it.

They are arrested before the level of toilet use, their wealthy families having been able to afford to diaper them via endowments and to empty and dispose of the vast output of their anuses in perpetuity, the same wealth enabling levels of capital ingestion capable of creating torrents of societal feces and dreck. We live in an environment now rife with their rectal refuse, tasteful stuff to Republicans.

Anything that will bring them closer to wealth and capital, however predigested. Evidently it is in their genes or something and they find the stench irresistible and the shit sustaining. I offer no further explanation, only these observations of what is obvious to those with eyes to see, ears to hear and, unfortunately, defenseless nostrils with which to inhale the rank and indescribable stink of doom and decay.

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