Friday, September 28, 2018

The Horror Show Continues

There will never be an end to Republican lies, their quest for power and insistence on ideological purity. I couldn't watch the Kavanaugh spectacle but he proved to be, as I suspected, a pure political hack.

He embodies lying and hypocrisy in a way perfected by Republicans. It guarantees the incapacity of conscience. They have found a way to turn conscience off. Or, many ways, it might be more accurate to say.

Rewards are administered for ideological alignment and punishments for waywardness. Weak, striving, self-serving vermin like Kavanaugh will never stray. He is a partisan, political person to his core and emptied of integrity.

Kavanaugh is aghast that he is accused of sexual assault but it was done in an entirely legal, forthright and appropriate way. He pursued Bill Clinton like an avenging troll in that irregular, rankly partisan investigation.

Later, of course, he discovered he had principles of respect for executive authority and immunity from judgement under George Bush whose crimes defy enumeration.

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