Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The Left's Big Lie

Democrats and the political left are overdue for some self-scrutiny and reform rather than the usual handwringing. The white women's party now marches on in continuing confusion while the Right explodes into pure fascism and compels the country downwards. How hard can it be to direct unified, coherent criticism against an entity, the Republican Party, that has left a trail of destruction for forty years culminating in Trump?

The good news is that a core belief of the the Left, on the evils of racism, has been proven right. The bad news is that white women, as a political movement, are racists, getting it into their heads that they were above judgement and existentially correct--not because of the integrity, humanity and decency of their opinions and policy prescriptions but because they were women. Why? They thought they were better than men.

They have proven that they aren't, most recently by voting for a depraved ignoramus and unrepentant ape for president. Perhaps that is good news too, in a way, that women really are the equal of men, even in arrogance, myopia and fecklessness. But while we are working out our shit on this the world as we have known it is coming to and end. Sorry to scorn the massive American consumption bash and exceptionalist ego-fest.

It is time for a change.

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