Saturday, December 16, 2017


Conservative Obfuscation Disorder (COD) is on the rise. Normal, self-correcting mechanisms were thought to be in place but apparently have failed, presumably because of interference, exogenous variables, militancy and energy subsidies in the form of money.

The gold standard and case study is George W. Bush. It's hard to imagine how he could have screwed up the job worse if he tried. One supposition is that he did try or was manipulated into doing so. In any event the catastrophic outcomes speak for themselves.

No mea culpa was offered. Again it was assumed that this was only a tactic because the scale and severity of the fuck-up were so incredible. Now it appears, with the advent of Trump, that the awareness was not present. There was an actual break with reality.

Incompetent farmers' crops fail. Businesses collapse under misdirection. Conservatives go on and there is no accounting. They remain rich and retire or move on to better jobs. This seems to have created a disorder of unreality. They believe there is no accountability.

Enforcement is not the issue. There is no justice. There are no consequences. But nature is the model. In nature there are consequences. Their consequences await them. Meanwhile they might be recognized by their obliviousness to accountability and its mechanisms. 

They aren't lying in the usual sense. That requires reference to reality. They live obfuscated lives, protected from reality by their peers and deep pockets. It can't go on. Nature will collect on the debt. There will be an accounting, possibly at the expense of others.

Non-conservatives--even many of their fellow citizens--are currently outside of their model and not factored in. Until those entities are brought into the paradigm the problem will probably remain. In the case of American citizens their omission is technically illegal.

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