Wednesday, January 6, 2016

House, but On Fire

I've been watching the hospital drama House on Netflix. Here we have another, cranky, heroic white man saving lives left and right. Someone will build a statue some day, blah, blah, blah. 

Typically, though, the way of the white boys is that of George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney, honkey screw-ups with a sure sense of their own competence and self-worth.

They deserve incarceration and censure but it would at least be good to see a national, global or cosmic consensus on their collective, unparalleled failure. Man, did they kill a lot of people.

Bold white boys need to be more circumspect. There's no need for more heroic, fictional characters reassuring them of their superiority. It results in a kind of bottomless moral blindness.

The House of Bush still thinks it will be proved right. History already proves them wrong but "instant forgetting" is their friend. That, and the conservative rewrite of history, protect them. 

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