Friday, October 16, 2015

Where is James Bond When You Need Him?

WORLD DOMINATION. What kind of a nut wants world domination? It seems to me you're just a big target with nowhere to go but down. Wait, I think that's us, the world's only remaining superpower. It was such a short time ago when all we wanted was not to be dominated ourselves. So we said.

Now the world is our living room. Our lebensraum. We go where we want and do what we want. We don't even think to ask why we're here, there and everywhere. We need the resources. We need the security. How, exactly, are we endangered? How have we not had our share of the goods?

But we're somehow different from everyone else. So we think. We're special. The standards don't apply to us. The rest of the world is so reassured, I'm sure. Let them ask God, if they have any questions. Just as an idea imagine us without military installations all over the place, and in space.

Man, it would save a lot of money. We could then try to live on our own resources or those fairly bartered for. Then, maybe, we could look to our own, see to our own people and our own problems, which we manifestly have. Imagine it. Would we be less secure? I don't think so, but ask Dr. No.

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