Friday, June 12, 2015

Human Preserves

Capital is human preserves. You boil people down and add sugar, or pack them in salt or brine them and there you have capital. One person can thus become the means to another's ends and the results not spoil. Natural resources are similar but meaningless without work.

People are preserved through labor and in other ways. This is the boiling and brining. There's no reason why a person shouldn't realize the benefit of their own productive activity but there are impediments to that, evidently insurmountable, in our society.

Capitalists are jealous of God. Their own lives aren't enough for them, but work itself is evanescent and workers are unmotivated when you take away their earnings and unpredictable as well, prone to injury and death, so you find a way to preserve them.

Discipline and deception are components in the preservation, with deception preferred because the human assets are less put at risk since the discipline may involve bodily harm, slavery being an extreme example. Studying it is the way to understand the process.

Wage-slaves are less obviously but more insidiously exploited since they may be convinced of their own autonomy when they have none or at best very little. Witness a worker in an Amazon warehouse. And then there is geofencing, worker site-monitoring.

There's no way to make the case that this kind of treatment is civilized or appropriate. It's an imposition on personal freedom and a violation of individual rights and should be illegal, as a form of intra-species predation, which is immoral by any normal standard.

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