Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Pickled Balls
Sunday, January 12, 2025
Trump Casts His Eye
What Does It Feel Like
To be such a piece of shit.
I want to understand. To ask Republicans, but they're not very reflective. So we'll have to try to imagine. And I'm having a hard time with it.
Don't Track Yourself
If you don't know where you've been they can't know either. Or, so you'd like to think. But maybe it's better not to know where you've been or what they know about you. Maybe it will make the info they have on you less useful, since we apparently can't do anything about that info.
We're assets to them. Or the info is. We can degrade the value of that info, by behaving unpredictably and by not buying shit. It won't matter but, still, what the hell. Fighting back a little will be good. But don't degrade the value of that info too much. I doubt it's possible. We must consume.
And if we go negative on them, in our value as consumers, they might declare us dead-weight and kill us off. If you don't think that can happen you're not paying attention. It's already happening. With healthcare, a human right turned into a commodity. Our rights have been commodified.
Regression to Mean
These are the prerogatives of power. The prerogatives of a certain kind of power. If you can you take people's shit. Healthcare form the elderly, Food from children, Greenland from Greenland.
You take stuff before somebody else does. Because they will. Thinking otherwise is for sentimentalists and suckers. Don't be a sucker. Get a gun. Protect your shit. It's the way the world works.
Now you're a Republican. Welcome to the party.
Monday, January 6, 2025
All Hail Lord Trump
I think the inauguration needs to be done differently. To have Lord Trump take an oath while breaking it makes no sense. It's the opposite of 'performative' in the way it used to be used, accomplishing the violation of the vow by its utterance.
But what to do? We can't brand it a coronation. Maybe an investiture, in which Don dons some ceremonial robes and a miter and shit. His hair is practically a miter. He might take to it. In any case having him swear to uphold he law is ridiculous.
We'll have to tone that down. Or not have him swear to anything, though I can't quite imagine it. It's highly appropriate that the Supreme Court is formally implicated, anyway. They've been as involved as anyone in this coup. Which is what it is.
Or we could keep it simple and alter the traditional oath by replacing 'so help me God' at the end to 'so help me Satan' out of respect for the truth. I like that idea. Keep it simple, and avoid dishonoring the decent, loyal people of the country.
Friday, January 3, 2025
All Tomorrow's Potties
This is the Donald Trump story, about the little boy who couldn't stop shitting himself, but carried on because he was so rich and it didn't matter. Except to the people who had to clean up after him.
The Night They Drove Old Dickhead Down
Trump's time will come. Sooner or later. One way or another. He carries the seeds within him. Of his own destruction. With collateral damage. It's all he's good for. The Lord of Shit. And his own shit will take him down. Retribution is his, but not in the way he thinks. It's coming for him.
Thursday, January 2, 2025
The Last Temptation of Trump
Wealthcare for All
Trump's second term is going to be about wealthcare. Republicans know that all the good in the world follows on the creation of wealth. How wealth is allocated and spread through the system is determined by laws of nature. These laws are as certain, predictable and irresistible as those of thermodynamics.
The effects of these laws can be thwarted of course, but, why? That only results in a misallocation of resources and inefficiency. We must work within them. Messing with the results is like messing with God. What's the use? It's morally wrong and inhumane however it plays out. Evangelicals know this.
As a corollary and complement to the nature of salvation in which God, being a dick, has predestined humankind and individual humans to a certain fate with foreknowledge and it is simply not to be questioned. Questioning it brands you a heretic and an apostate and requires you be stopped.
By any available means.
The assumed efficiencies of the financial markets are as inscrutable as salvation, and are a kind of salvation, so don't even think about it. God's justice is beyond our reckoning so shut the fuck up. If free markets mysteriously create whole layers of seeming exploitation between you and the care you need that's just life. Be reassured, it's part of God's plan and your destiny by definition.
Friday, December 27, 2024
Microbial Life with Trump
Microbes invented us to get around, so goes a line of thinking. And it's getting harder to argue as we're choosing exponential growth into a crash and oblivion, with the earth our petri dish. Trump and his Republicans (he officially owns them) are thereby understood as microbes. Bacteria.
Hence, 'drill, baby, drill' and the other reckless shit that comes to mind. Steve Bannon, a prototypical bacterium, had his brain taken over by a kind of rabies. There are many like him. Explosive growth works in the short run, I point out, if you like explosions. Crash and burn, longer run, however.
But the bacterial collective wins again. They play the averages.
A mindless horde. Larger entities are not the point which is the point. This doesn't upset my vanity cart, at the individual or species level. We've invented some cool shit along the way, and abandoning man's search for meaning doesn't play into it since I thought it was all invented already anyway.
I thought that made it more of an accomplishment, that we made it all up. However, I do think we could have prolonged our stay and become masters of a sort instead of slaves. But, Trump. Which (correct pronoun) has retained bacterial 'cognition' on up to the larger entity level and then some.
Then some through the spread of bacterial 'thought' processes which are only a drive for replication and the survival and success of the collective. Maybe, thence, Trump's love for Putin and commie-nism. As a being the mega-multicellular Trump is an agent and assignee of the bacterial collective.
He's their slave. Individually Lord Trump is incomprehensible.
A bacterial clown car. Is our species about individuals or the collective? Bacteria will have their way eventually and I'm fine with that. They are not God. That's our adaptation though bacteria are making a run at a takeover. Don't fault them. They aren't any more aware or evolved than Trump.
But, if it's up to me, I'd like to hang around a bit longer.
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
No, Virginia
There isn't a Santa Claus. This is Donald Trump, and only idiots believe in Santa Claus. Though there's a huge amount of money to be made selling people shit at Christmas. There are suckers everywhere and it's a great time to learn how to spot them and to figure out how to make money on the thing. This is the way to be happy, like me, by screwing the hell out of people.
Sunday, December 22, 2024
A Total Moral Eclipse, With Nukes
Look up at the sky and you'll see Trump's ass blotting out the sun. It will pass but what will be left?
He Has A Grift
It's not that it all isn't a lie in the first place. Everything is a lie, in the sense that it's all an invention. It's a question of the quality of the lie.
We've chosen bad lies. The lies of sick and paranoid people. Thieves and crooks. Is this what Trump represents or what life represents.
Life. apparently. We carry too much baggage. Sooner or later the baggage wins. The baggage won with Trump. He's our evolutionary baggage.
The World is Fiat
Thursday, December 19, 2024
Trump Licks Musk Butt
Now, this is interesting. And unforeseen. The guy with the greatest-ever record of getting people to lick his anus in about ten different ways is licking some ass himself, Musk butt.
Sunday, December 15, 2024
We're Off the Hook
I know the feeling. This is not us. Trump is not us. Musk is not us. No, it isn't us. It isn't America, in fact. It's the Confederacy.
Elon Revealed
I remember when I realized people didn't give a shit how you got there once you won. This was always the puritanical cruelty at the heart of capitalist, consumerist America and the product or source of its fatalism. Notice the bandwagon effect building behind Trump and suddenly and simultaneously how racial justice is being abandoned.
There's no reason for this, besides that bandwagon effect, but John Roberts must be thrilled beyond belief because it has been his specific project within the larger re-racification of America while claiming to do the exact opposite. That you can't fix racism with race consciousness (i. e. racism) has always been his core and defining belief.
Which is as obviously wrong as it is abstractly right.
The problem being a narrow, analytical focus removed from the circumstances and reality of the case. Try feeding your family on math. Directly. Something offends him, Roberts apparently, so you wish it away. The reality of course is that race consciousness is obviously the only way you can fix structural, systemic racial injustice.
So Roberts reasoned himself into inconsistency and a conundrum because he's a purist and arrogant egotist. A perfectionist. Musk has a like outlook and drive, being a more profound kind of racist and supremacist, asserting himself as a race of one. That's to say, he's an inconceivable egotist and grifter. Like Donald Trump. The points converge.
I don't sense racial animus in Trump or Musk. Their egotism and wealth renders it unnecessary. A person's worth is determined by their usefulness to them. People have no intrinsic worth, so no rights. Their 'rights' therefore change within the circumstances. Their rights re determined by circumstances. Or by whim, in other words.
Because circumstances are determined by heroic characters like Trump and Musk whose existence and will is the only reality. They are gods, God, or a godhead, which of these it doesn't matter, since all power originates with and emanates from them. This is fundamentally infantile. The infantile god of perfect self-centeredness and need.
There infinity meets up with annihilation. Creativity with destruction. Nothingness with infinite being and extent. All distinctions end there. Time and space are nothing. Will is everything. And what is will? To say rights or justice don't exist there misses the point. Existence doesn't exist there. There's no such framework of meaning.
To say meaning doesn't exist has meaning. You get the point. Self refutation. Death. Trump and Musk embody a death wish. Musk is enamored of space. William Shatner was right in his observation, when he blasted off, that space is death. Nothingness. Musk is the emperor of Emerald City, over the rainbow -- unreality. Musk is death.
Saturday, December 14, 2024
These Were the Days
I feel like I live in the present and the future at the same time, because the future seems badly determined, predictable and unavoidable. Suffering awaits us. I understand better now why people sometimes roll the dice when things aren't that bad.
Or anesthetize themselves in one of the usual ways. Because they feel the future is not good. That they're almost certainly fucked and the suspense is worse than anything. Worse than getting fucked now but while doing something. Anything.
Friday, December 13, 2024
Loaves and Fishes
I'm waiting for a loaves and fishes moment with Trump. He's a miracle worker, you know.
Now They're Really Cooking With Gas
Republicans are really cooking with gas. It's more fossil fuelly. Burning shit. An actual open flame in your house. Combustion and stuff. They love it. And they're accusing Democrats of wanting to take away their gas. Which is true but not in the way they think.
Two Hard Truths
Think of this as counseling. What are the hard truths Democrats have been failing to fully own and act on? There are two, in each case because we don't want to think ill of people or be mean. So the problems are familial and more complex and not something we can readily walk away from, like dating an addict, for example, and being unable to pull the plug on the relationship.
Which is hard but relatively uncomplicated.
And if you wonder what's hard about that you haven't been there. But walking away is not as complicated as, let's say, being married to a drunken, abusive spouse when there are kids. The kid thing cuts both ways. There are innocent parties involved who can't reasonably control their own circumstances, so more motivation and a greater responsibility but more logistical difficulty.
We have family members who are nuts and abusing us and the kids. It's the South. We have never been one country. The slave states have held us hostage from the start. All the provisions that make our country ungovernable now and enable us to be held hostage by a minority trace to them. They were that original minority. And they fixed it so the Yankees could never overpower them.
Unless they were defeated in a war. A fucking war. Sit with that. And then they still didn't give up. And they still haven't given up. In fact they have won. Look at everything Republicans stand for. It's the South. He died but the Republican Party is still the party of Lee Atwater. Scorched earth. Because it worked. All the lies and nastiness won elections. Do I need to argue this point?
I don't think so. Not after Trump. Trump is all about nullification. Nullification means lawlessness, and the benefits of a reasonably orderly society without the responsibilities. That's the South. Freeloaders. Take Texas, a state with its head totally up its ass because they pumped their wealth out of the ground. To feed their egos they then lied. That they were the real men. Right.
Like the morons who started the Civil War, they leave out, and got the balls of all the southern white boys handed to them by the Yankees. This is what it's about. They lead the world in false pride. Maybe not now because of the Taliban but you get the point. It's an honor culture, the most dishonorable thing ever. The Fugitive Slave Law sums up the South -- nullification until the Yankees do it.
The law must not be equitably enforced, with Trump as my witness.
I said there were two things. And, given the severity of the first, what does it tell you that I tremble at the second? Democratic white women, the abortion absolutists, have no political sense, and they control the messaging of the Democrats. Then white women vote for Republicans. Not the same white women, obviously. But still they insist on talking about 'women' as though it's a voting bloc.
It isn't. Look at Trump. White women voted for him a third time after Roe was toast. The LGBT association is an outgrowth of women's rights, I think. So white women gave us the political disaster of 'woke' and the rest. Not that we shouldn't have stood for these things but you don't make them the unrelenting content of your messaging, ceding 'freedom' to the enslavers.
The white women I've observed politically were fine with chivalry when it meant white men giving into them when they were full of shit, maybe the biggest 'yes, honey' in history. I've seen it in my very blue community, white men effectively told they needed to shut up because, well, they're men. Which is racist. I say to white women please shut the fuck up. Go to the back on troop.
Democratic white women, weirdly, became Puritans.
Self-righteous, strident, utopian, accusatory moral bean counters. When have we last heard women in general and as a movement saying, basically, we still have some problems but we're some the luckiest people in history? I haven't heard it. All they talk about is what's wrong and what they want. And they're surprised people got sick enough of the complaining to vote for Trump?
Case closed, I think, and it's too late now. We have the most horrific leadership imaginable, the exact shit that got us WWII and the Holocaust, horrific racism and rogue, laissez-faire capitalism. And Democrats are still not getting it. I give up. The damage is done. This therapy is after the breakup. The abusers have moved own, victorious in their complete lack of accountability. Nobody won.
Thursday, December 12, 2024
The Torch Is Being Passed
Having only a billion dollars is beginning to seem quaint among the Republican ultra-elite. Do they vaporize at some point into pure essence because a mortal body can no longer contain such stupendous excellence? Something must happen, a kind of phase change. Consider Musk.
His wealth is simply exploding. They're eating the world. If a billion dollars is incomprehensible, which it is, where is Musk? How does his frame contain him? Something will have to give, I believe, and not necessarily on his end. Maybe it's the world that will vaporize as they suck it in.
Musk and his kind, I mean. And poor Ramaswamy, with only a billion or so, how does he keep from being incorporated into Musk by proximity, a little moon to Elon's gaseous Jupiter? How is Vivek not distorted and elongated, so to speak, by the force and gravity of Musk's greatness?
And now the torch is being passed to them, in Kennedy's phrase, and little did we know it could be used to burn everything down. Because we're all waste and cosmic detritus in the Muskian scheme. Worthless beings needlessly sucking up resources or inhabiting bogus, place-keeping jobs.
Jobs that were invented to justify paying us when we're essentially superfluous. We can disappear, apparently, by absorption, distribution or dissolution and not leave a trace, a curious thing for conscious beings. I wonder what that feels like. But Musk and his kind are not mere mortals.
We were part of a science experiment. A perverse God's lab rats from an evangelical perspective. Musk and the ultra-rich were discovered to be superior. The elect, by virtue of genetics or whatever, or chosen by God. In any case, Musk has been found with scientific certainty to be a super-rat.
You see. people have no inherent value. No Lives Matter! But what if it had been a different experiment, selecting for different traits. Musk might have lost. Tough shit, Musk and Vivek are saying. It is what it is. Look at how perfectly arbitrary Vivek's firing fantasy is. That shows it's godly.
And they are gods. Arbitrariness is their prerogative. That's way the universe works.
Winners and losers. But what if the lesser lab mice band together and assert themselves? That might keep a Musk up at night. So they must be destroyed, disempowered or killed and disposed of. That's what this is about, not that Musk knows it. He still has a brain stem and survival instincts.
In spite of his massive cortex. And that unconscious shit is still in play, compelling him to try to annihilate the masses of lesser beings. Meaning us. So he wants to stop wasting resources on us if we aren't making him money somewhat directly. As for indirectly, he doesn't go there.
The net result is the same. Everything for him. Nothing for us. And the implications of that are coming to us all. They can't wait, they're so impatient to wield all that wonderful power. Because it feels good. It comes down to that, all of it. It's what the rich want. To run everything. Forever.
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
I Saw Mommy Shtupping Santa Claus
Not much of a Christmas present for me. I don't care what they give me now. I bet I'll be screwed up for life by this. They better endow a fund for some counseling. At least they were having a good time. Not exactly thinking about me, were they. But Merry Christmas to y'all, anyway.
Sunday, December 8, 2024
Completely Backwards
Republicans want to turn the economy totally loose which results in inconceivable inequity and suffering. And then they want to regulate the hell out of our private lives and disallow behaviors that don't hurt anybody and even make society more accepting and humane. It's completely backwards.
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Brothers, I believe that I was kidnapped by Reaganites. They seemed to think they were doing me a favor, that I was some savage in need of culture, economic opportunity, religious and moral guidance and maybe a bath. You would think I was an obvious aborigine -- hairy, illiterate and unrefined.
Damn, I was an American! An American citizen going back generations. You couldn't make this shit up. And they seemed to think they were Americans, but of a type unfamiliar to me. They would have been thought primeval by the Founding Fathers, I mean. These Reaganites were the savages.
Though they dressed okay. Better than I did, really, like fucking Mormons, or whatever they're calling themselves now as if that isn't its own kind of woke. Anyway, they were kind of naive and paternal but you didn't want to cross them, especially on economic issues. They were nuts about that.
Some kind of aborigines themselves, of a free market variety, just insane about it. You couldn't talk to them on the topic. They engaged in obvious magical thinking, going on all the time about self-regulation and an 'invisible hand' as though the invisible part shouldn't have clued them in. But, no.
They were too far gone. Total cultists. I tell you this, friends, so that you can be on the lookout, though it seems they might have taken over the country and supplanted lawful authority. To judge from the stuff that's on the radio, anyway, the most unbelievable lies. And ditto on some news channel.
To which they are addicted. It's on all the damn time. It will drive you nuts, though they do have some babes on there, some with oddly unchristian names and attitudes to match. The shit will drive you out of your mind and threaten your sanity and equilibrium, it's so heavy on the fear. They’re scared as shit.
Over an invasion, completely ... made ... up.
Mexicans, Mexicans, Mexicans. And there's Mexicans everywhere already in the trades and living openly and as though the Reaganites never eat and enjoy a burrito. They love them and know the whole takeout vocabulary down to stuff I've never eaten. Watch out for them, brethren. They're out of their minds.
And, please, come and get me out of here.
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Highly White Goober Contests Election
Sunday, December 1, 2024
Murder in Mesopotamia
This is going to be the shortest mystery ever. Bush did it.
But it raises questions of a new kind of mystery, where it's solved at the start because the evidence is so overwhelming. The mystery is how to bring the perp to justice. Maybe it began with the O. J. trial. Such a glut of evidence, the trial got muddled. The defense did what you do when you're guilty as shit.
You attack the system. When the dream team got done a new standard was in place, in that courtroom at least -- perfection. These are the Democrats, subject to perfection. Republicans attacked the system and a standard of purity was applied to Democrats. Republicans are Simpson. Guilty as shit Simpson.
Bush left a criminal wreckage behind him we'll never be able to catalog, and it's ongoing. Incalculable harm. But, Hillary's emails! Hunter Biden's anything! And Afghanistan, where Trump initiated a pullout and Joe Biden is now somehow responsible. Trump, the habitual, compulsive, murderous criminal.
Who's about to be in charge again, of an already hopelessly corrupt and biased system. The mystery is how the fuck do we hold them accountable. Nobody has figured it out. The thing is too rigged. Remember Bush's surveillance state, targeting national threats. Like Democrats, according to Herr Donald.
Welcome to the new America.
This Is (Not) Who We Are
Oh, yes it is. It is and it isn't. America was never one country. The South and the pro-southern lands settled in the west, and then the rest of us. We thought, ultimately, that what we thought of as American values we just that, and enjoyed some level of national acceptance.
Wrong! The South, and especially the evangelical Christians residing there, saw things differently. As long as they were left alone to practice their apartheid we could maintain the illusion of a national consensus, at least on the critical things. Desegregation ended that for good.
And the South rose again. The stench of racism and hate is everywhere. This was us, and it wasn't. Through the Southern Strategy, as it's called, the South has taken over the country, at first being used by the old Republican elite. But now they've demanded their due.
Which was everything we see that makes the country unrecognizable to us.
Saturday, November 30, 2024
The Neoplatonic Trump
To put Trump in a philosophical context. he is either the source of being, pure and unsullied, or he has mystical access to the realms of perfection and is a magus, seer and shaman. As such his word is law. HE IS NOT TO BE DOUBTED OR CHALLENGED. This, above all, is the rule.
Any such challenge is anathema, heresy, sacrilege and blasphemy. All power originates with and emanates from Trump. He exists outside of space and time and is immortal. His body, understand, may pass and decay or ascend, it doesn't matter. His spirit is timeless, divine and incorruptible.
Whereas you are shit.
You can't know Trump apart from mystical persuasion or insight. WHICH IS NOT SUBJECT TO RATIONAL QUESTIONING OR ANALYSIS. So shut the fuck up and behave. Your life depends on Trump, the source of all meaning and being. Don't be fooled by appearances. You must believe.
Truth and Consequences
Thursday, November 28, 2024
The Washington Witch Trials (Temporarily Housed at Mar-a-Lago)
I always recommend listening to Republicans. For literalists the messages are weirdly encoded but they're there. Trump's 'witch hunt' was as much a thing as Clarence's 'high tech lynching' which didn't occur. But Clarence was a lyncher and the Trump crowd are puritans going after 'woke' and 'cancel culture' as though these exist, just like witchcraft. They imagine them.
But they're real. In their minds. They're more real for having the advantage of being imagined, and so not subjected to reality checks. Musk and Ramaswamy are already, a couple of months away from installation, fantasizing about witches they will burn in a carnival of sadism -- innocent government employees. Musk now by name. He's naming them on Xitter.
If this isn't a sue-able offense it should be. No wonder they are against legal recourse for injuries. Injurers would be -- as power-crazed sadists and egomaniacal monstrosities. But they're almost ensconced and will need to be dealt with. After some carnage, I fear, but it would be nice to keep it under half-a-million, to use Trump's toll as the new benchmark of accountability.
What's a few hundred thousand lives among friends, after all.
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Twisted Mister
One thing is becoming clear, that Trump was so bad in his first term memory couldn't do him justice. But the reminders are beginning, and those feelings coming back -- the disgust, the horror, the fear.
Saturday, November 23, 2024
Ridin' the Range
America's COVID cowboy is back. Donald Trump, hero of the epidemic, was above all a real man. A decider. Real men just do shit. They act. Like in the Apprentice. They react, like asking about who voted for you in determining whether to turn loose the government's resources to ravaged cities.
That's a real man, the complete and self-contained center of his world. And Trump is set to ride again, another cattle drive, of the brainless beasts that elected him. And the innocents who lost, as well, because they can't opt out. Trump's power must be wielded to be real. To him, the fucking moron.
Coronation Balls
When Trump is crowned I bet it will be his balls. They'll crown his balls. I'll leave the technical and logistical details to the experts but, worst case, I expect it will be a bejeweled dick ring.
Or some scrotum thing. I'm not up on this stuff. His head, after all, is vacant. Not much up there. And the hair? More dame material than duke. Dame Donald has a certain ring, but later on that.
We have an investiture to deal with. I'll talk to the royals.
My contacts among them. Meanwhile we're left with a dick as a symbol of American majesty. It doesn't work for me but I didn't vote for him. And that hood ornament of a hairdo. What do we do ...
The Other America
I buy a lot of stuff on eBay. I love eBay. Partly because it's often recycling -- buying used things -- but also it's personal. Ultimately often a transaction between two individuals, especially if I have a choice.
People bust their asses to please you. This is the other America, the real, real America. I bet I'm buying from a lot of Republicans, because they've been screwed worse by the people they elect than we have.
They're probably scrounging around more to make ends meet.
And they bust their asses to do you right, presumably because there's accountability. Otherwise they live in a world of lies, concocted by their political leaders for personal gain. Out of greed and power lust.
It was all lies -- invented problems. imaginary grievances, scapegoating and animosity. There are always challenges but ours were not bad. We could have easily been fine, but that didn't suit the money people.
So they played the 'little people' off against one another, a classic ploy. And now we're at war with one another. Over nothing. Invented shit. But he rich are raking it in -- wallowing in it. They have won.
Some tiny fraction of the electorate. And the rest of us have lost.
Friday, November 22, 2024
That Dog Bites
Taking One (Up the Ass) for the Team
Trump's minions are all lined up to take it up the ass. It's a carnival of degradation.
Thursday, November 21, 2024
Do Not Reply: This Is Notice Your Constitutional Rights Have Been Cancelled
Your Constitutional rights have been revoked and cancelled. Sorry about that. But, really, I mean to say, tough shit. Because it was done by Trump, and the point is to tell you to fuck off, eat shit, and die.
The Bootlickers Ball
Will there be a big celcbration, coronation balls and the like, at Trump's second installment or are they too eager to dig in on the deportations? We will see.
The big ticket will be the Bootlickers Ball if there are such fetes. In Trumpworld the higher up you go the more you have to grovel. And grovel they will.
Bubble Babies
Trump Admin II is appearing as a haven for bubble babies -- spoiled nepo grifters, speculators, private equity plunderers and assorted arrivistes.
Having ridden the wave of easy money they want to lock in their status. And better to rule in hell than serve in heaven. Hell in this scenario is for us.
Trump: SVU
Donald Trump's Special Victimization Unit is taking shape. Musk and Ramaswamy are planning layoffs. Medicaid and SNAP are under fire. Holman and Miller are salivating over deportation plans.
And this is only the beginning. They arent even installed yet and the anxiety is setting in. Their lust for suffering is in the air. And Trump's vengeance is clearly going be the soul of his administration.
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Hunt and Peck Is Coming
Freedom is just another word ... Hunt and peck is coming for all of us, as a way of life. As a way of making a living, anyway. We're moving from table scraps to chicken feed, as part of the 'shareholder' economy because Republicans have willed it.
In it, if you don't have shares you don't exist. And, since Republicans think the free market is the model for everything, they put our government up for sale -- the thing in which we're all supposed to have shares. A stake. Not any more. Not voting shares, anyway.
We can still vote, but it doesn't mean anything. Citizens United saw to that. Since election results are binary tipping the scales amounts to voicelessness. Disenfranchisement. As for the economy, now for civic rights. The vestiges of enfranchisement persist.
We'll be tolerated and maintained because we make the capitalists money, indirectly. They divert it from the normal flows, adding nothing but taking ever more. What happens when we don't pay? Good question. Profit maximizations dictates we be gone.
We are expendable. Expensable. A write-off. But that would look bad. Hunt and peck, however, will afford cover. We'll be living on chicken feed.
Monday, November 18, 2024
Many Moons Ago
Trump has been showing us his ass forever. We're mighty familiar with the sight. And once was too much. More is expected, as the opportunity has arisen.
The perp is unevolved. He hasn't grown up, ever or at all. He's gotten worse. We didn't think it possible, but here we are. There's a bad moon on the rise.
The Vicar of Wokefield
Sunday, November 17, 2024
Dancing With the War Criminals
Sometimes it's the littler things, like Tom DeLay going on Dancing With the Stars and George Bush painting portraits of young men whose lives he destroyed, that get to you. Normalization has been going on all along. It really kicked in when our baggage began busting out of the closets and floating up from the storm drains. Shit that wasn't meant to be seen forcing us to look at it. See me ...
The usual methods of denial and compartmentalization weren't enough. Rationalizations were still of some use. And normalization complements rationalization. You see it but you don't, finding a way to accept it or detoxify it. You become numb to it. It feels okay. The proper responses of outrage and indignation are kept down. Distraction also helps, so shit can be normalized in a distracting way.
Outrages get relocated into the realm of entertainment where loser Uncle Heinrich competes with Captain Kangaroo and Mister Green Jeans. Uncle Adolf with Mister Rogers. And, because they're nuts, they win. The edgier shit wins. It's a scary day in the neighborhood with Democrats beating off in the bushes so be careful. Democrats sacrifice babies, you know, in the basement of the pizza place.
Suddenly Uncle Heinrich isn't a loser anymore he's running concentration camps for Democrats. People are ostracized. Innocence is quarantined so the corruption isn't corrupted. So that lies aren't assaulted by the truth. Diseases are cunning. Read about rabies. Try to get your head around it. While you were distracted the world flipped upside down, and nobody signed off on it. It just happened.
Incrementally. And we're left with Tom DeLay, who should be universally loathed and liked like vomit, still living on in good circumstances. Unpunished. And there are legions of these people, who are incredibly invested in ensuring accountability never comes knocking at the door. And the legions are growing. Hordes of Trumpers. Genghis and Attila hordes. They were already among us.