Thursday, August 29, 2024

Skid Mark

Donald Trump is a stain on American history. He's a stain on human history. He's a stain on humanity. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Trump the Revelator

Okay so let's give Trump credit where it's due. If a reeking pile of shit exists somewhere in human form he will sniff it out. And he will cultivate said turd and feed it turd food so that it gets bigger and reeks more. 

I don't know how he does it. Rot and growth shouldn't go together. But Trump accomplishes it somehow. There must be latent turd power he taps into. Or militant turd energy. He teaches turds to be contagious.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Trump to Stop Inflation With Magical Powers

Trump is promising magic in his second term. More Voodoo. Poof, poof and poof! Massive tax cuts. No talk of who will pay. Because nobody will pay. Which means average citizens will be left holding the bag. Again. Boom and then bust.

Trump promises peace. Too late for Gaza. He'll assign Kushner the cleanup. The rain in Ukraine will fall mainly on the plains instead of bombs. He will will it. And an instant halt to inflation. He'll order it. Inflation recognizes his authority. 

If it knows what's good for it. It's that thing he does with his hands. That weird back and forth movement. Call it quell. The smoothing into submission. The duping into compliance. The reassurance of turning everything over to Trump. 

So you won't have to worry anymore. Until it's too late. When you realize you've been had. Scammed, suckered and conned. Trump is so simple. So much is written and it's so simple. He's a liar, a grifter and a con man. The trickster is here. 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Naturally Dead

Death is natural. A limiting case thing but natural. After that, nothing. Or, whatever. So how bad is suffering?  This is all Republicans are saying. Suffering is inevitable. Life is a shithole. 

Get over it. They don't want to suffer. But since suffering is inevitable that leaves us. We must suffer to balance the books. Ukraine must suffer. Gaza. Gays. Somebody. Anybody but them.

Friday, August 9, 2024

The Lost Half-Century

There's going to be a hell of a hangover after this bender. Fifty years of Republicans screwing average Americans, coming to an end. It can't go on. They've fucked everything. 

They're still trying to guarantee innocent people pay the price and that they walk away. Or, fly away in a private jet. They really don't give a shit about anybody but themselves. 

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Debby Downer

Notice how much news organizations love a natural disaster? A hurricane will always do. Dramatic pictures. Real estate destroyed. Maybe a few lives lost. 

Then notice how news organizations are always in disaster mode. They create disasters if they must. Or they enjoy symbiosis with a wrecking ball like Trump. 

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Burn Before Reading

If rational, decent people ever recapture the political discourse in our society we can fully participate once again and take in a whole range of of stuff being said and reported. But, for now, most of what is coming from the right is so poisonous and harmful it's best to stay away. In other words, burn before reading.